Thursday, July 03, 2014

WHEN I FALL IN LOVE - Susan May Warren - One Free Book

Readers, one of our favorite authors is back with a new book.

Welcome, Susan. Where do you write?
I write in two places—a big blue chair that is more marshmallow than chair! It has two wide arms on it so I can stack all my research materials on each side, and on my giant ottoman and create a sort of writing “nest” where I incubate the story. For editing, I move to my desk, and surround myself with all the details of the story—names, eye color, timeline—all the pertinent facts I need to get it right.

When deciding on how to publish, what directed you to the route you took?
I took a look at what I was already reading and thought—well, I already basically understand the structure of these stories, so I’ll start there. I had a shelf of romantic suspense, so I launched my writing in that genre.

What kinds of things do you like to do outside of writing?
I’m a DIY girl— I love turning “trash to treasure,” so I’m constantly working on my house, furniture, painting, etc. I also love to garden and keep a flower garden in the summertime. I also work out at the Y (love my yoga and swimming classes) and of course…read!

What kinds of advice would you give to someone who wants to start writing?
Read. A lot. Keep a writing journal of the words that sing to you. Be observant of the world around you – take notes on interesting people, events, situations and setting. And, eventually, start writing!

What is your favorite book? Favorite author? Do you have an author that inspired/inspires you to write?
Oh, I love everything by Dee Henderson, Francine Rivers, Siri Mitchell, Deeann Gist, Rachel Hauck, Beth Vogt, Lisa Jordan, and Melissa Tagg. I think Dee and Francine were my biggest inspirations—but the others now inspire me to stay on top of my craft!

Where did you get the idea for When I Fall in Love?
I love cooking shows, and I’ve always wanted to write a story about an every day Iron Chef (hello every mother out there who’s opened the fridge and said…huh, what can I make with a carrot, a hunk of cheese, 2 eggs, and a leftover pancake?) Our family went to Hawaii last year, and the setting captured my heart—I knew I had to put a book there, and even better…a cooking book. But vacations also have a way of making you forget your troubles. So…what if a couple met and fell in love on vacation…could they bring the romance home, into real life?

From idea to final revision, how long did it take to write?
This book came fast—I wrote it in 3 months, start to finish. Sometimes it’s like that—the story just appears and flows out.

Are you working on anything now?
I just finished the next book in the series, Always on My Mind, a story that picks up the subplot from When I fall in Love, and carries it into the main storyline with the question: What if you see someone you love headed for trouble—but they’ve told you to stay out of their life. Do you interfere?

Please tell us about the story.
When I Fall in Love is about Grace Christiansen, a woman who is content on staying in her hometown of Deep Haven, staring at her dreams of being a Chef from afar until she is given the gift of a cooking vacation to Hawaii. Set up on a “blind” vacation date by her family, she has no idea she’s going to spend the next two weeks in paradise with the most eligible—and yet mysterious—bachelor from the Saint Paul Blue Ox hockey team. However, Maxwell Sharpe is harboring a heartbreaking secret…. Can they take their newfound romance home from vacation?

I love the theme of this story…What if you found your true love, but you could only have him for a short amount of time—would you still marry him? This book puts to the test the old adage: “It’s better to have loved and lost than never having loved at all.” Really? We’ll see!

Please give us a peek at the first page of the book.
It would be the most perfect day of her brother Darek’s life. Even if Grace Christiansen had to personally hand-dip two hundred strawberries.

“If you don’t leave now, you’re going to miss the entire wedding.” Her assistant, Raina Beaumont, reached around Grace and moved the bowl of strawberries out of her reach. “I might not be going to culinary school in a month, like you, but I swear I can dip these without making a mess.”

But—the word touched her lips a moment before Grace nodded and stepped away from the island in the middle of the industrial kitchen.

The afternoon sun creased the red tile floor and stewed the smells of the tiny kitchen—wild mushrooms simmering in garlic and wine sauce, focaccia bread baking in the oven.

She could stand here, close her eyes, drink in the scents, and die happy. Something about seeing her brother—her wounded, broken oldest brother—smile down at his beautiful bride-to-be last night at the rehearsal dinner had filled her soul right to the brim. Yes, of course she would dip strawberries and hang twinkly lights from the rafters of the folk school building. Because that’s what family did—they shared in dreams, even helped make them come true.

Raina pushed her toward the door. “Seriously, I’ll get Ty to chase you out of here, or better yet, throw you over his shoulder and—oh, for pete’s sake, you have chocolate on your dress.”

“What? Shoot, where’s a rag?”

But Raina had already reached for a wet cloth and was dabbing at the dark stain on the collar of Grace’s dark purple dress.

Grace checked her reflection in the microwave door over Raina’s shoulder. Her hair had stood the test of the kitchen, still caught up in netting. Eden’s spectacular idea of having her hair done before she set foot in the kitchen to oversee the final preparations might not have deserved the battle they’d waged. But she shouldn’t have worn the dress. Unfortunately, that brilliant thought she’d managed with no help from her big sister, and now she’d have a stained gown for the pictures. . . .


“Oh no.”

Where can my readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you for having me today!!
Susie May

It is a pleasure to have you here, Susie. I'm really loving the Christiansen, even though I'm not a fan of hockey.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
When I Fall in Love -
When I Fall in Love (Christiansen Family) - Amazon
When I Fall in Love (Christiansen Family) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


Britney Adams said...

Susan May Warren brings her characters to life and I can't wait to read Grace's story! Thank you for the chance to win a copy of WHEN I FALL IN LOVE!

Britney Adams, TX

SusieMay said...

Thanks, Britney!! I hope you enjoy the story!

Rebecca said...

I loved the last book in the series and am looking forward to WHEN I FALL IN LOVE.

Springfield, Oregon

Anonymous said...

Wanting to read When I Fall In Love!

Normal, Illinois

That's really it--Normal! ;)

Mrs. S said...

I have all of Susan's books...except this one! Love her writing!

Michelle, South Dakota

Merry said...

I love the Hawaii/cooking vacation setting. Please add me!
Merry in MN

Beth Gillihan said...

Can't wait to read this book! Love this series! Thanks for the chance to win.

Beth Gillihan
Helena, Montana

Patty said...

Haven't read any of this series yet, but I know I have one or two of them on my Kindle. Would love to add to the collection.

Patty in SC

nightowl said...

Would love to have the chance to read this.
WA state

Linda Kish said...

Sound wonderful. Count me in, please.


lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

love to win! Shelia from MS

traveler said...

Susan May Warren's novels are captivating and unforgettable. Anne from NM. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great book and will look forward to reading it.


Fruitland, Idaho

Aerykah said...

Oh, I just love Susan's books! I just recently read the second book in this series and thoroughly enjoyed it! Can't wait to read this one! :)
Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Aerykah -- Oklahoma

Unknown said...

I LOVE Susan May Warren's book!! I read (and loved!) Reclaiming Nick!!! ANd the rest of the books in the series :D I fell in love with the characters! I also enjoyed heiress!


SusieMay said...

Thank you guys! I loved writing When I Fall in Love! I hope you enjoy it - have a fantastic 4th!!

Lydia said...

I recently read the first two books in this series and am looking forward to reading more.

Lydia from North Carolina

Unknown said...

I really want to read this book. It Sounds really good.

Tonja VA

Melanie Backus said...

When I Fall in Love sounds like my kind of book. I, too, love cooking shows and Hawaii has been one of the prettiest states I have visited. Thank you for the giveaway. Susan May Warren is a wonderful writer.

Melanie Backus, TX

Mary Preston said...

A lovely interview thank you.

Mary P


Jackie Smith said...

I am so excited about this her books and have read most all of them! Also, I am excited to hear she is writing another in this great series...YAY.
Jackie in Georgia

Jenni said...

Can't wait to read this!
Jenni in Nova Scotia, Canada

Danielle Hull said...

Oooh, looks good! Indiana.

Bonnie Roof said...

"When I Fall in Love" sounds like such a cute story - I love the story line and loved the excerpt!! Thanks for the interview and the opportunity to win a copy of the book - Susan and Lena!!

Louisville, Ky.

sm said...

I like your book idea about falling in love on vacation doing what you like, cooking, and wondering how this will work in real life! Love to win your book. sharon, CA wileygreen1ATyahooDOTcom

Diana Flowers said...

Thx for the opportunity to win Susan's new book! She is such a versatile author and I think this book sounds absolutely awesome! Hope I can add this one to my TBR stack to read post-surgery for a cantaloupe size tumor on my ovary removal. :( At least I can pretend I'm on a vacay instead! ;)

Diana in SC

Diana Gardner said...

Portsmouth, VA

Cyndi said...

I absolutely LOVE this series and am so looking forward to WIFIL! Thanks for the giveaway!

Cyndi in AL

kam110476 said...

Hi Susan & Lena! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of WIFIL! I've truly loved the other Christiansen family novels and am itching to dig in to this one and the rest in the series!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com

Melissa Oldaker said...

Love this series! Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

Melissa from NC

scottsgal said...

what an inviting and happy cover! Can't wait to read it

Cheryl in IL

Kandra said...

Grace's story is going to be spellbinding! Kandra in OK

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great summer read. Thank you.

Julie (WI)

Liz R said...

I always love me some Susan May Warren!!! Throw my name in the hat!

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Nonna said...

I can't wait to read this book. I live in the Great Smoky Mountains in NC.

Unknown said...

I always enjoy your books! Sherry from Ruckersville, VA

Anna Weaver Hurtt said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anna Weaver Hurtt from Panama City

Unknown said...

Wow that first page! Ah im so excited! Looks like its going to be a good one! Cant wait to read it!:)Thanks for this opportunity to win a copy! God bless:)

Hartselle, Alabama

Sharon Richmond Bryant said...

Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the book giveaway. I love your books. I grew up in Minnesota and spent many vacations up in Grand Marais, Tofte, and other stops along the way from Duluth. We love the donuts from the world's best donut shop as did my cat (who'd get up on the counter and sample all of them when we brought them home). I now live in Florida and really miss the beautiful fall colors on the Gunflint Trail. I love your books!

kec200 said...

I would love to read this book. It sounds great!

Kathy C. from Wendell, NC

Phyllis said...

Sounds like a book not to be missed. Thank you.

Phyllis from Normal, IL

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great book!
Tonja in VA