Welcome, June. Tell
us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
I’m sure there is a part of me that goes into each of my
protagonists, but it isn’t consciously done. My daughter often recognizes me in different characters.
When I wrote about my life as an innkeeper, (Inn Sane), it was first person and
yes, that was the real me.
What is the quirkiest
thing you have ever done?
This came to my mind the other day and I can’t think of
anything any quirkier. My husband and I were vacationing in Jamaica and had
not rented a car, thinking we’d stay at the resort the whole time. One day we
walked to a tourist attraction. It was farther than we realized, and on the way
home, my feet were killing me. Those lousy thong sandals cut into my skin.
Soooo, we hitch-hiked! Believe me, you don’t want to do that in a foreign land!
Or anywhere else, for that matter. Fortunately, a nice elderly native in a
rickety truck squeezed us into the front seat, patches and all, and took us
back to our resort. Looking back, I realize how dangerous it was!
When did you first
discover that you were a writer?
Though I always loved to write and aced my English courses,
I never attempted a full-length book until my adult children pushed me into
writing about our eleven years running a 38 room inn in the Poconos of
Pennsylvania. We had so many interesting tales to tell and as time passed, they
began to fade. Before they would totally evaporate, I was assigned the task of
recording the events we found most interesting. I enjoyed the process so much,
I began a novel, which ended up being a series of three books. I have not
submitted them to anyone yet, as I’m editing them now and they need work. (I
guess my writing has improved.)
Tell us the range of
the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
Before I began writing seriously, I read mostly non-fiction—either
religious, political, or historical biographies. Once I began writing fiction,
I switched to my genre—Christian fiction, and then the Amish books. I don’t
read many of the books by Amish writers though, since I don’t want to emulate
them. That’s a comment some of my readers have made; my books are different in
the approach I give them. I always read before turning in at night and enjoy
using my Kindle, since it is light and easy to hold.
How do you keep your
sanity in our run, run, run world?
That’s a tough one. Am I sane? Hmm. It’s easier now that my
children have all grown and left the nest. I do wear several hats though—I own
an antique shop, sell on Etsy (JunesShoppe), garden, and travel on occasion. I
don’t have as much time as I’d like to sit at the computer. I’m an early riser,
so I spend my first hours writing, editing, and plotting my next book. When I’m
writing a first draft, I write with intensity, spending several hours a day
virtually in total isolation. (Hubby supports my habit) I can complete an
average length novel in three to four weeks, though I’ll spend the next month
editing it. It’s important to prioritize, and I will always find the time to
How do you choose
your characters’ names?
Some names pop into my head without effort, but there are
times I’m stymied. There are web-sites, which give the most popular names of
the different decades. I refer to them sometimes. I also check out Amish names
in The Budget, a newspaper for the
Amish and Mennonite communities.
What is the
accomplishment that you are most proud of?
I’d have to say that raising five kids to be productive,
moral adults, is the most rewarding accomplishment, however, it’s difficult to
take much credit for that, since so many factors go into raising a child.
Today’s society makes it far more difficult for young parents and my heart goes
out to them as they struggle to impart their values in such an immoral
In writing, I guess, I am proud to have completed my first
book. It took determination and persistence to write “the end” to my
manuscript. It did take more than a year to get to that point.
If you were an
animal, which one would you be, and why?
Probably a lioness. I love their beauty and graceful
movements. And hey, they live with lions! How cool is that?
What is your favorite
I’m embarrassed to admit I love peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches. Always have. On the slightly more gourmet side of things, give me
roast duckling or grilled lamb chops. Yum!
I love duck. Whenever
we go to a restaurant that serves it, I have to try it. What is the problem
with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Perhaps it was—and is—keeping all my characters in my head
at the same time. After a few chapters, it gets easier, since they become real and I envision them, hear them
speak, and get into their minds. I like doing a series, since my characters
have become my friends and it’s easier to write about them as they go through
their trials. It’s helpful to keep index cards for each major character. I
include birthdays, physical and mental traits, and other pertinent data.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Ruth’s Dilemma danced about in my head for some time before I
put it on my computer. I loved her character. Having been a music major myself,
I could relate to her love of music. Her love for an Amishman, who was also her
sister’s choice, became a major problem in her life. She also struggled with
the two worlds open to her—the Amish and the English. When she had to make her
final decision, I suffered with her. So much to consider. I believe she made
the right choice, but my readers will be the final judges of that.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Ruth Zook was aware of Jeremiah Fisher’s eyes on her as she
tried to emerge from the buggy with a semblance of grace. Her foot slipped and
she was headed for the ground when firm hands reached around her waist to
steady her. Jeremiah’s boyish grin, as he released his grip on her, made her
feel even clumsier. A flush reached her cheeks. “Danki.”
He gave a slight bow, removed his straw hat from his golden
locks, and beamed at her. “You’re willkum. See you in church, Ruthie.”
Ruth’s older sister, Emma, jumped down from the buggy,
grabbed Ruth’s arm, and snatched her away from the smiling group of young men
resting against Bishop King’s fence. “That was so deliberate,” Emma whispered. “You
knew Jeremiah would grab you in time.”
“Don’t be silly. Why would I want to look like an oaf?
Besides, Ezekiel Schrock was closer.” Ruth tucked a loose strand of her shiny
brown hair under her kapp and quickened her pace.
“Don’t get any ideas about Jeremiah Fisher, Ruth. He’s far
more interested in me.”
That thought had never occurred to Ruth. Perhaps he did
favor Emma. After all Emma was twenty, the same age as Jeremiah, while Ruth was
only eighteen.
“Then I suppose it would have been better if I’d fallen flat
on my face?”
Emma rolled her eyes. “Oh, let’s forget the whole thing. Mamm
and Katie are waiting inside for us. Church services should start soon and I
want a good seat inside where I can see into the next room and watch Jeremiah.”
Ruth sat next to her mamm, waiting in silence, for the
service to begin. She could see Jeremiah talking to friends as he placed his
hat on a wooden peg by the front door. Her heart danced each time she saw him.
He always had a strong affect on her and in Ruth’s eyes, he was the most
desirable man in the district. That was for sure and for certain. Was what she
felt true love, the kind you have for a husband, or was it just girlish
Emma had never made it known before how she felt toward
Jeremiah. If only Ruth had expressed her feelings sooner—staking her own claim.
But then it was only in recent weeks that she realized how much she actually
cared for him.
Ruth’s older brothers arrived with their families and soon
the rooms were filled—women and children in one room and the men seated in an
adjoining room. It was cramped in the farmhouse, but since it was early April,
it was still too cool to meet in the barn for the service.
Church lasted over three hours. Ruth’s favorite part of the
service was the music sung from the Ausbund. It was poignant as everyone sang
in unison. One of the Zook men started the “Das Loblied” and everyone in the
congregation added their voices. Ruth closed her eyes as she included her
soprano voice to the others around her singing praises to the Lord. She could
hear Jeremiah Fisher’s strong tenor voice from the next room and smiled,
visualizing his startling blue eyes as he sang. Someday Jeremiah should be the vorsinger,
she thought to herself. He could easily lead the singing.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
You can reach me by my domain name: junebelfie.com. If
someone wants to e-mail me, it is: mosttrulyyours@yahoo.com.
Add writer somewhere in the heading, or it might end up in spam. I also have a personal
site on Facebook and love to have readers join me.Thank you, June, for letting us into your life and for sharing this book with us.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Ruth's Dilemma (The Zook Sisters of Lancaster County)
Ruth's Dilemma (The Zook Sisters of Lancaster County Book 1) - Kindle
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I am looking forward to reading Ruth's Dilemma.Have a wonderful week.
Portsmouth, VA
I would love to read Ruth's Dilemma. I am not familiar with June's books but enjoyed learning about her and loved the first page of her book. Thank you(Ohio reader)
I appreciate the introduction to June Belfie and RUTH'S DILEMMA. Thank you for sharing the interview, excerpt, and giveaway.
Britney Adams, TX
I like the dilemma of your story- both sisters like the same guy! Should be very good and I can't wait to win it! sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
June is new to me and I thank you for having her, Lena. I would love to read her book.
Thank you for the giveaway.
Melanie Backus, TX
This promises to be such a fabulous read. Loved the first page thank you.
Mary P
Loking forward to reading this book. Love the cover image.
Patricia Blackmon aka Mamaw
Living in the deep piney woods of SE Texas!
Sounds like a great book! Looking forward to reading it.
From Mississippi
Loved the interview with June. So you would like to be a Lioness! I've never really thought about what animal I'd like to be. Interesting choice June! Hanging with a Lion might not be too bad!
Ruth's Dilemma sounds like a good read and I would love to win a copy of it.
Judy B from Indiana
Thanks to all of you who left a comment about the book. I'm now in the middle of writing the next book of the 2nd series, "The Zook Family Revisited." It is a continuation of the first three books entitled, "The Zook Sisters of Lancaster County." Ruth is the first book. The families have become practically real to me and many of my readers. I hope you will join us in their adventures. Blessings, june
Wow, you sure did take your life into your hands by hitch-hiking. So glad that everything turned out all right.
The dilemma of two sisters wanting the same guy is going to be interesting. I can't wait to read this book.
Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy of Ruth's Dilemma.
~Cindi from PA
Our library readers love books about the Amish.
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
Janet E.
From SE Nebraska, I enjoy Amish romance and this sounds like another great story to put on my to be read list!! Thank you for a chance to win it...
I am choosy about the Amish stories that I read. this one sounds very inticing. Thanks for a chance to win.
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant
Conway, SC.
thanks for the chance to win
live in ND
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I don't believe I have read any of June's books.Ruth's Dilemma sounds great.I love reading books by new to me authors.Great post.Thanks for sharing.Jackie Tessnair N.C.
Yup, A Lion, or one of my mother's cats. Talk about spoiling! They ran the house!
Love a amish book! Shelia from Mississippi
Love a amish book! Shelia from Mississippi
I am always looking for an Amish book to read! This one looks so good. I enjoyed the interview and review.
Beth from IA
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