Welcome back, Suzie. Why
do you write the kind of books you do?
Because I love them! I feel so very blessed to be able to
write the type of book I love reading.
Besides when you came
to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
The day my son was born, most definitely!
How has being
published changed your life?
It’s a very exciting time, and there’s never a dull moment
because there are always deadlines.
What are you reading
right now?
I’m currently reading Rosemary
Cottage by Colleen Coble, after having just finished Tidewater Inn – also by Colleen Coble.
I love Colleen Coble
books. What is your current work in progress?
The first of a three-book project, A Fair to Remember is set in 1901 at the Pan-American Exposition in
Buffalo , New
York . Photographer Clara Lambert comes under
suspicion as a possible accomplice, when someone shoots President McKinley. It
will be a Fall 2015 release by WhiteFire Publishing.
I’d love to feature
that book on this blog. What would be your dream vacation?
I would love to go skating under the Eiffel
Tower , then ride a bike through the
South of France before making my way to Tuscany .
All of this would be topped off by a gondola ride in Venice , of course.
I’ve always wanted to
visit France ,
because French was my second teaching field in college. How do you choose your
settings for each book?
I don’t actually choose them. I usually just get an inkling,
somehow. And when I do the germ of a story comes to life. For example, for Sweet
Mountain Music, my husband and I used to take our son on road trips
into the mountains. Something about staring out the window at the towering fir
trees, pristine rivers, and the mountain peaks made Sweet Mountain Music come
alive, and I knew I needed to set a book there.
If you could spend an
evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
This might very well be the hardest question anyone has ever
asked me. Why, Lena ? Why did you ask me this?
I can think of plenty of people who are no longer living that I’d like to spend
an evening with. But other than my family and friends? You. Are. Tough. As a writer,
I think it would be fascinating to spend time asking questions of Stephen King.
Not because he’s famous. But because he’s very brilliant and I know he has a
lot of wisdom to pass on to other writers.
What are your
hobbies, besides writing and reading?
Ha! You mean there’s something else? I really enjoy
baseball, and riding roller coasters.
What is your most
difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
For years, I tried to edit while I would write. I would get
so frustrated because my brain doesn’t actually work that way. I just didn’t
realize it. Now, to keep the creativity flowing, I have to either write on my
AlphaSmart or on a tablet (the paper kind).
What advice would you
give to a beginning author?
Don’t wait for inspiration because it’s fleeting. Once you
have the germ of an idea, work to develop it.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Sweet Mountain Music is set in the mountains of Northwest Washington in the late 1890s. My hero, Ben, is
a scientist on the hunt for the legendary Sasquatch. Chloe is a reporter who
wants to break the big story so she can show her father she’s just as capable a
journalist as her brother.
My husband was just
talking about Sasquatch earlier this week. Please give us the first page of the
“I think we should have him take off his shirt.” Several
delighted oohs and aahs followed the sugary, yet authoritative voice drifting
through the slightly opened window.
Standing below the window, Chloe Jane Williston recognized
the voice of Trina Clark. From the sounds of it, every young woman in Cedar
Ridge sat inside the town hall.
What could they possibly be up to in there? And why didn’t
she know about it? There was a story in the making, she could tell; one that
would hopefully sell more copies of The Cedar
Ridge Reporter than usual. Chloe stretched up on the tips of her toes and
tried to see through the crack. It was much too narrow. Disappointed, she
scrubbed at the window’s filthy panes with the sleeve of her gray and white
pinstriped shirtwaist.
Her only success came in dirtying her sleeve.
Chloe frowned and stood back to once again survey the
window. She found a clearer spot higher up, but wasn’t tall enough to reach it.
Glory-be. If only she had something to stand on, she’d be
able to see better.
Quickly, pulse jumping, Chloe looked around the wooded area
surrounding the meeting hall. Nothing.
Scanning the early summer sky, dusty blue with traces of
wispy clouds, she smiled. Thankfully, it wouldn’t be dark for a few more hours.
It stayed light so much later here in Washington
than it did back in Boston .
Kicking at a bed of last year’s pine needles, Chloe stubbed
her toe on a partially buried rock. She stood back and sized it up. Boulder was more like it.
It appeared wide enough for her to stand on and yet not so huge she wouldn’t be
able to move it. It was worth a try.
At least the town of Cedar
Ridge was good for something. There were plenty of rocks if nothing else. A
deep breath filled her lungs with the rich sappy fragrance seeping from the surrounding
trees. After prying, tugging, and then kicking at the rock, it finally broke
Blood-red worms squirmed forth when she rolled it over. An
army of potato bugs scurried every which way. Chloe allowed herself to shudder
just once, before kicking and rolling the rock toward the meeting hall.
Each direction she looked, snow-tipped mountains and lush
fir trees rose to greet her. The Skykomish
River , racing down from
higher elevations, thundered in the background. Grudgingly, Chloe admitted to
herself that Cedar Ridge was more than a pile of rubble and too many trees. The
mountains were higher, the sky bluer, and the air headier than any place she’d
ever lived.
More than once she’d tried to describe this place on paper,
but failed. It wasn’t possible to put words to the majesty of her surroundings.
Her father had chosen well when he’d moved the family this time.
Life would be almost perfect if only she had a friend or
two. As for the almost part, she didn’t want to think about it right now.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
It is my pleasure, Suzie. My readers will love hearing about your book.
Readers, here is a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
Sweet Mountain Music
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.
The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:
I live is sunny California, Escondido
And I would love to win your book
Thank you, Danie!
Thank you everyone for stopping by and reading. I'm at work today, so will stop in during lunch and breaks. Please don't feel ignored!
Good to read about you. I would enjoy reading something you have written. I'm from Normal, Illinois.
Portsmouth, VA
Thank you, anonymous! Normal Illinois sounds intriguing.
I've been there, Diana. It's beautiful.
Suzie, you have such fun ideas for stories! And I can attest to what a fun read Sweet Mountain Music is, as well as your other books. You definitely have a gift for story telling. Congrats on the new series!
Thank you, Stacy! You are so awesome. :)
I have been waiting for this one to release. I can't wait to read it.
Great interview with Suzie.
Amy C
Sounds great! Would love to win!
~Holly in Morehead, KY
Looks good! Love this site because I hear about new authors!!!
Amy, that's so sweet of you. Thank you so much!
Thank you, Holly!
Thank you, Sierra!
Thank you Lena for a great interview!
mauback55 at gmail dot com
Oh Lena, I left my email addy instead of my name and state. Today is my birthday and my head is still spinning!
Melanie Backus, TX
This is going to be a fantastic read. Loved the first page.
Mary P
Sounds wonderful. I would love to win a copy. Thank you for the opportunity.
I live in Indiana.
Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.
Happy Birthday, Melanie!
Thank you, Mary. That's the kind of thing I love to hear! :-)
Thank you, Cindy!
Hi Suzie,
It's nice to get to know you and your work a bit better. Since I'm writing WWII women's fiction, I'm especially interested in your take on things French, and would love to win your book. Btw, I love the title!
Gail Kittleson
This book sounds really interesteing. I love to travel through the mountains when we make our trips south to see our daughter. Mary B. from western NYS. atouchofheaven2010 at gmail dot com
What a most interesting looking read. I would love to win. Christy C in North Carolina
Can't wait to read this one and see what the ladies were talking about! I lived in the NC mountains for 12 years and yes indeed, there are lots of rocks in the mountains. :)
I now live in Lancaster County, PA.
I enjoyed this lovely interview and appreciate the giveaway opportunity!
Britney Adams, TX
Enter me!!
Sharon Richmond Bryant
Conway, SC.
Your book sounds interesting Suzie! Love to win it!! Shelia from Mississippi
Your new series sounds great, too! Indiana.
Looks awesome!!! Please enter me!
Blanch, N C
Hi Gail, sorry to answer so late. It's been a super long day for me. I've had a heart for France since I was a small child. Maybe it was Babar, or maybe Madeline. I'm not sure where it started. But when I did my family genealogy a few years ago I discovered my French ancestry.
I love the mountains, too, Mary. I especially love traveling through them by train.
Thank you for stopping by, Christy.
Doreen, I was on a train that was stopped for several hours in the mountains on that side of the country. I can't remember which mountain range, but I think the Appalachians. Anyway, it was beautiful. It was during the fall and the colors were stunning.
Thank you, Britney!
You're entered, Sharon! Thank you for stopping by!
Thank you, Sheila!
Thank you, Danielle. I'm really enjoying working on the new series and I can't wait to be able to share the cover!
Hi Suzie. I enjoyed your interview with Lena. I love the title to your book. I would love to win your book.
Please put my name in Lena. Thanks for the give-away. Maxie from Texas.
You're entered, Abigail. Thank you for stopping by! Lots of NC ladies. It's so beautiful there. :)
Thank you, Maxie. You are entered. I love your name!
Thanks Suzie. Hardly ever hear someone say they like my name. Most people take for granted it is Maxine, but it isn't. Thanks again. Maxie (Texas)
That's interesting. It never occurred to me to think of it as short for Maxine. No, I just thought it was Maxie for Maxie. :)
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