Welcome, Gina. Why do
you write the kind of books you do?
I grew up reading Stephen King and so I thought that was the
kind of stuff I should be writing. My first few (unpublished) novels were in
that genre. Then, I began to discover more literary writing (like Charles
Martin, Lisa Samson, etc) and I absolutely fell in love with books all over
again. I tried my hand there, and at last I was offered a publishing contract.
I’m so glad that God held me back with those early books because I believe I’m
writing what I was meant to write. If I’d have gotten published back when I was
writing suspense, that would be the genre I’d have to continue with and it’s no
longer my passion. It’s taken me awhile to come to terms with the fact that I
had a unique childhood and that the rough stuff I’ve been through can speak
healing and hope over others.
Besides when you came
to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
It would definitely be the day I gave birth for the first
time. Holding my firstborn son overwhelmed me when I realized that God loved me
even more than I loved this child.
How has being
published changed your life?
Before I was published I kept hearing from other authors that
being published wouldn’t validate me. It certainly didn’t validate my life, but
it changed how others viewed me. Life as a “bestselling” author seems like it
would bring riches, fame and glamour and it’s really just the opposite. I make
far more money working a regular job with a steady paycheck. With writing, the
job can be twenty-four seven. If I’m not writing, then I’m working on
publicity, doing interviews, mailing out books and postcards. It’s a lot harder
work than I thought it would be. People do take me a little more serious and I
get a little more respect when others read my work. When I was still in the
process of trying to get published, I think a lot of people thought it was just
a pipedream and I was deluding myself.
What are you reading
right now?
I forever have a self-help book going at the same time as a
craft book (Currently Writing for Story),
the Bible and at least one novel. I’m reading Jessica Dotta’s Mark of Distinction at the moment. She’s
an incredible writer.
What is your current
work in progress?
I currently am under contract for 3 more novels with
Tyndale. I’m in the early stages of a coming home story. Because I’m still in
the discovery stage of the story, I have to hold that close and be a little
secretive. Chances are if I told you what it was about now, the final book
would look nothing like what I imagine it will at this stage.
What would be your
dream vacation?
I would be in a RV with my husband and children, maybe
traveling across the country to see Montana or
the Grand Canyon .
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
I’m originally from New
Jersey and moved to the South close to 20 years ago.
I love the south. Everything about it. I tend to set my stories there because I
have to spend a lot of time in my head there so it may as well be somewhere I
like. I love the beach, specifically the Outer Banks so I’ve set a few stories
there. I love nature and the mountains, so my writing descriptions tend to come
more alive to me when I can smell the forest so to speak.
If you could spend an
evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
I’m not much for idealizing celebrities. They’re just
people. While one name doesn’t come to mind, picking the brain of someone fresh
off a mission trip or someone who is accomplishing great things for the Kingdom of God is what turns on my heart and mind.
What are your
hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I love walking along the river, hiking, and camping. My very
favorite things to do are hang out watching something like Deadliest Catch with my husband, or laying in bed on a Saturday
morning with my boys, laughing and talking, or talking to my best friend or Mom
and sisters on the phone.
What is your most
difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
On more than one occasion I’ve had to write through a bout
of depression. During those times, each word was pure drudgery to get down.
It’s like trying to redecorate a house when you’re suffering with some
debilitating disease that makes you bone-tired, with a hundred pound backpack
on, wading through Vaseline, when you couldn’t care less about the stupid
What advice would you
give to a beginning author?
Talent is a great start, but it’s only a start. Teachability
and perseverance are what matter the most though. It’s most likely going to be
a long road with lots of rejection along the way. Get yourself to a writers
conference, get in a critique group, read great books and lots of them, read
every craft book you can get your hands on and don’t give up.
Tell us about the
featured book.
He made himself an island until something unexpected washed
When Holton lost his wife, Adele, in a freak accident, he
shut himself off from the world, living a life of seclusion, making drifwood
sculptures and drowning his pain in gin. Until twenty-three-year-old Libby
knocks on his door, asking for a job and claiming to be a friend of his late
wife. When he discovers Libby is actually his late wife’s illegitimate
daughter, given up for adoption without his knowledge, his life is turned
upside down as he struggles to accept that the wife he’d given saint status to
was not the woman he thought he knew.
Together Holton and Libby form an unlikely bond as the two
struggle to learn the identity of Libby’s father and the truth about Adele,
themselves, and each other.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
The pillow pushed against Holton Creary’s nose forcing him
to turn for air. His eyes fluttered, opening just enough to take in the first
blush of morning light. Realizing he had at least another hour of solid sleep,
he smiled in contentment.
Flipping toward her side of the bed, he reached out to pull
her hip against him. The warmth of his wife’s familiar body molded against his
was a ritual as old as their marriage. Instead of landing on her hip, his hand
thudded against the mattress jolting him awake. Lifting his head, he listened
for her pattering about their small house, but heard only Rufus snoring from
his spot on the floor.
Their small house was full of the smell of freshly brewed
coffee ... but not her. He peered out the front window not surprised to see her
standing with her back to him watching the sunrise from the beach they called a
front yard. She still wore her nightgown with his old cardigan serving as her
bathrobe. The breeze made the nightgown cling to her legs, which filled him
with a momentary possessiveness. If any man should happen to walk by at the
moment, the sight of her would stop him in his tracks.
That was the downside of marrying a beautiful woman—he
wasn’t the only man with appreciative eyes. He climbed down the stairs leading to
the beach and quietly sidled behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist,
causing her to jump and turn her head in surprise. A warm smile replaced her
startled expression. “You’re up early,” she said.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
https://www.facebook.com/authorginaholmesThank you, Gina, for sharing this new book with us. I can't wait to read it.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Driftwood Tides - Christianbook.com
Driftwood Tides
Driftwood Tides - Kindle
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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Portsmouth, VA
I can't wait to read Gina's new release. It sounds great!
Amy C
I just read Gina's book Wings of Glass and loved it!
Monica, Ontario
I would love to read this book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Now watching the sunrise from the beach called a front yard. That would be my idea of a perfect place :) Great interview... dk stevens from NEBR
dkstevensne at outlook.com
What a story! This sounds like a great read to me. Thank you for a great interview, Lena!
Melanie Backus,TX
I love Gina's emotional stories and am eager to read Driftwood Tides! Thank you for sharing this enjoyable interview.
Britney Adams, TX
What a fascinating story line. Love to read how this plays out.
Mary P
I love Gina's books and this one is at the TOP of my wish list!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Jackie Smith in GA
thanks for the chance to read this novel.
karenk...from PA
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
would love to win. Angela in ky
Reading the first page has me wanting to
I love Gina's writing style.
Please enter my name in the drawing to win a copy of Driftwood Tides.
~Cindi from PA
Sounds like a very powerful story!
Patty in SC
Enter me!!
Conway, SC.
Thanks for having me, Lena and thanks everyone, for taking the time to read the interview and commet!
Gina's books are great. I'd love to win copy of, Driftwood Tides.
Judy B from Indiana
I enjoyed Wings of Glass and would love a chance to win this book. Thanks for the interview!
Love to win this book! Sounds interesting! Shelia from Mississippi
Driftwood Tides sounds very good with a little mystery in it as to who the characters really are. Love to win and read this one! sm CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
Driftwood Ties sounds like a very emotional story that I would love.
Beth from IA
This book sounds great!I love the cover.Jackie Tessnair from N.C.
Looks great, please enter me!
Blanch, NC
Sounds good! Kathy from NC
I would love to read this book! I am from Deltona, Florida!
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