Dear Readers, even
though she lives not too far from me, in Northeast Texas, I first met Caryl in
Indianapolis, Indiana, at last year’s American Christian Fiction Writers conference.
Soon after that, she invited me to speak at the Northeast
Texas Writer’s Conference. She’s become a good friend. I loved her
first book that we featured on this blog. I haven’t received my copy of this
new one yet, and I can hardly wait to read it.
Welcome back, Caryl. Why
do you write the kind of books you do?
I must admit, the reason I started writing historical
Christian romance is because my agent, Mary Sue Seymour, said if I would write
one set in the 1800s, she’d sell it. It actually proved to be a God-plan from
the first. Did you know Mary Sue grew up a McAdoo? It was her maiden name! As
though the Lord whacked us on the head with a velvet hammer and said, “PAY
ATTENTION, DAUGHTERS, I HAVE A PLAN.” It is without a doubt my favorite genre
now. J
Besides when you came
to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
I was just talking about that on Facebook because my
firstborn son turned forty-five, and I was telling him that the day he was born
was my favorite most happy day. I do have four children and they are all in the
top five, the day I married being the fifth. All your nannies are so special
and you love each one differently, but I don’t think a woman can know or imagine
how holding that firstborn in your arms affects your heart. And I am glad you
said besides the day Christ came to live in my heart; the happiest nine-year-old
you ever saw!
How has being
published changed your life?
More blessings! I love people and getting to know them, so
being published has given me a bigger platform—a way to meet more precious
children of God and to share His love when someone doesn’t know Him. I’m
blessed to work at home or anywhere. I’m blessed to set my own hours. I’m blessed
to create wonderful characters who become my friends. I’m blessed to have such
a creative outlet and thank God everyday!
I know what you mean.
All those things are blessings to me as well. What are you reading right now?
Right now, I am reading
a Civil War romance, RETURN TO SHIRLEY PLANTATION by Carrie Fancett Pagels.
It’s Volume One of Murray Pura’s American Civil War Series Cry of Freedom.
Since I started writing historical, at the quite grown-up age of 64, I find
that I am fascinated with history. My husband has always been a history buff,
but I’m a new one J
What is your current
work in progress?
THE BEDWARMER’S SON, set in two historical time periods. In
the 1850s I’m writing the romance of the Bedwarmer, a young slave girl named
Jasmine, and in the 1920s, what’s going on with her son on trial for murder.
His attorney, a young white woman from up North who might fall in love with the
bedwarmer’s son’s grandson. I’m enjoying that period, and also that they are in
Dalton , Georgia ,
since I almost always write Texas
What would be your
dream vacation?
Don’t even have to think about this one, going to Israel ; walking the streets of Jerusalem ,
praying in the Garden
of Gethsemane , speaking to
some of the people who’ve lived there their whole lives. I’d enjoy wading in
the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee .
How do you choose
your settings for each book?
I love Texas , and love
writing about the Lone
Star State .
I’ve been to every corner of it, and know it well. But my favorite part is the
Northeast where God led my husband and me in 2008, specifically Red River
County, but all the surrounding counties, too J As I was saying, I set
THE BEDWARMER’S SON in Dalton, Georgia, because I needed a plantation with
slaves, but a Texan will come into the story before it’s over.
If you could spend an
evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
A harder question I had to think about. I thought of
politicians, then authors, then music, yes, I’d enjoy an evening with music, so
I’d like to spend an evening with Sandi Patty singing and visiting and giving
God glory. I love her music and we have a similar range J
What are your
hobbies, besides writing and reading?
Music, I love to sing—mostly praise and worship, but God
gives me new songs that go along with my children’s books I take into schools and
He gave me Susannah’s Ballad for VOW UNBROKEN. He gives me scripture songs to
help me with whatever I’m going through. I also like to paint and garden—not so
much the getting down and in the dirt anymore (pretty hard to get up) but
decorating the garden, adding touches. I love Pinterest for remembering great
I use Pinterest for
storing setting ideas and clothing for my books when I’m writing them. What is
your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Not getting distracted! If I discipline myself to stay off Facebook
until a certain time—and email and Pinterest and PicMonkey (—I find I can focus
on my writing and get just as lost in those wonderful friends I create on the
What advice would you
give to a beginning author?
Hands down, to get into a good critique group! I would never
have gotten published at all ever without the mentoring and hard-nosed critique
I got at the DFW Writers Workshop. Writing groups who listen to each other read
and only hear how good it is are only good for folks not serious about
improving their craft and want mostly to visit. A good critique group can turn
a gifted story teller into a writer! If you’re a story teller (that gift comes
only from God), you can learn the craft.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Hearts Stolen is a story that will reinforce no matter what the
circumstance, no matter how grievous it seems, if you will repent, pray, and
put your trust in God, there is nothing—no thing—He can’t get you out of. And
the scripture comes to mind that He does things so much more than we can even
imagine, blessings pressed down and overflowing.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
Just thinking about him made Sassy want to stick her tongue
out like she used to do to her father when he ordered her around. But Charles
had married her, and she promised to love, honor, and obey him.
She loved the man alright, leastwise she guessed she did. If
he’d only treat her like a wife, not a child.... Of everyone, he should
understand most that she was grown; coming on sixteen, as mature as she would
ever get.
Rosaleen he’d called her. She hated her given name. Pshaw,
she could do both, visit her mamma and have his ol’ supper ready. As the sun
peeked over the treetops, Sassy leaned forward and tickled the mare’s ribs with
her heels.
“Haw, pretty girl; we don’t have all day. He said he’ll be
back by dark.”
Stretching her gait, the mare flew over the rolling terrain.
The wind whipped Sassy’s hair behind her. Oh, how she loved riding, always had.
In barely any time, she slowed the mare into a lope and topped the last hill
before Kickapoo Creek.
That’s where she always let Bliss get a sweet drink, but not
too much, from the easy flowing stream. With only another eight miles to her
folks’ place, she might make it in time for some breakfast leftovers. She
clicked her tongue.
Her mare cleared the far bank, then her snort and shiver shifted
Sassy’s attention to follow Bliss’ gaze. Two bare-chested Indians sat on
painted ponies. The bigger one pointed a long-handled club at her and whooped.
Sassy hammered her heels into the mare’s ribs. The gray shot
forward, hitting a full gallop in fewer than ten strides.
Calm, stay calm, but her heart beat like the nines. She’d
never lost a race in her life, not on Bliss. She definitely couldn’t lose this
one. With a good lead, she’d outrun the little ponies.
How can readers find
you on the Internet? you, Caryl, for sharing this new book with us.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Hearts Stolen (A Texas Romance) (Volume 2) - paperback
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:
Sassy is such an interesting name. Love the storyline :)
dkstevensne at outlook .com
from SE NEBR..
Looks like a great read...would love to read this story! From Texas
I would absolutely love to win this book. Thank you for the chance.
I live in INdiana.
Cindy W.
Portsmouth, VA
Deanna, thanks for coming by and commenting :) Sassy is the baby girl in a family with five older brothers! Her real name is Rosaleen, but her Daddy nicknamed her Sassy. Can't you just see how she was as a child? :) And with that red hair :)
Hey Tammy, Cindy W and Diana! Glad to see you here, and thanks for stopping by - or should I say clicking over :) Lena is so precious, right?
I see you're in Texas, too, Tammy. I'm in far NE corner - 20 minutes to cross the Red into Oklahoma or 45 minutes to Arkansas :) Love being in the East Texas woods!
Y'all be blessed! Heading to ACFW tomorrow, but hopefully will have access to a computer to keep commenting :)
Thank you for the wonderful first page.
Mary P
Sounds like such a good book!!!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Sydney Harries GA
Sounds like a great read! Would love to win and I've already added it to my TBR list!
~Holly in Morehead, KY
Hi, Mary! All the way from Australia! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Hello Sydney and Holly! I'm so thrilled you both want to read my new book! And glad you've added it to your TBR list, Holly!
Would to read Hearts Stolen!
From MS
Very exciting start to the story! Would love to read Caryl's newest release.
Patty in SC
Caryl, Your new book Hearts Stolen looks terrific !
I loved the characters of Susannah and Henry in Vow Unbroken.
It is always inspiring to read your comments in interviews. Your love for the Lord and your faith come through as much as your love for Texas.
Are you going to start a series out of your next book ?
Thank you and Blessings
Patty and Patsy - fun that y'all posted right together! Where to start the story is --I believe-- one of a writer's most important decisions. After I had this completely written, I went back and took out the first two pages in order to get RIGHT to the crisis asap! Want to grab my readers and make sure you don't put it down! :)
I was at an event this week and talking to some friends about that. One had just read Hearts Stolen in one day--ZOOM--said she had to keep reading. The other said she can't stand for a good book to be over, so she makes herself put it down and savors those last chapters. I tend to be like the second - only allowing myself one chapter at a sitting at the end not wanting it to be over :)
Tee hee hee - then sometimes I have to admit that I can't stand it and read right on through to the end! Then I'm upset with myself and whining about how long it is til the next book! :) Which way are you?
Hey Jackie! Thank you so much for your affirming words! All I want to do in the world is bring Him glory and for everything I do and say to honor Him. Of course, that means biting my tongue sometimes :) I do love and adore Him, He is my everything!
My faith has been growing for fifty-five years--the year of double grace. His love lifted me when I was only nine years old at summer camp.
I LOVE how much easier life gets the more you learn to trust in Him - no worries, no fear, always knowing whatever's happening that everything WILL not just be okay, but work to your good because you love Him and are called according to His purpose!
YES! VOW UNBROKEN, HEARTS STOLEN, and HOPE REBORN (coming January 9, 2015, Lord willing) are a trilogy, but the saga contines with the next generation! Book 4,5, & 6: SINS OF THE MOTHERS -Mary Rachel's story-debuts May 3, 2015 / DAUGHTERS OF THE HEART -Gwendolyn and Cecelia's stories with Bonnie coming September 2015 / bk 6 SON OF MANY FATHERS -Charley's book- releases January 9th.
So two trilogies that continue times VOW 1832, HEARTS 1839-1844, HOPE 1850-1851, SINS 1851-1853, DAUGHTERS 1855-1857, and SON 1865-1866 - - - we're up to just after the Civil War!
And in between those, I have another Biblical fiction series planned - The Generations. Book one is A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE ANGELS and deals with Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel, to Seth. It debuts NOVEMBER 2, 2014! The next book THEN THE DELUGE COMES covers Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, and his boys :) planned for release March 2015 (if the Lord is willing. :)
Whew! Most of all those are already written! 3 are not. BLESSINGS, Jackie!
Great post, Caryl! I'm so tickled that you are reading my Civil War romance, Return to Shirley Plantation! I hope you'll love Matthew's and Angelina's story of obedience to God!
Hey Carrie! I've been hearing all about THE FRUITCAKE CHALLENGE! All those stars you've been getting :) And I do hope you'll share the fruitcake recipes that come in. You actually had my mouth watering and I went to thinking about making a fruitcake recipe my own :) You know add a little cream cheese and the fruit I love best - leaving out the ones I'm not so fond of :) Love and hugs to you!
Enter me!!
Conway, SC.
Sounds like a great book! Shelia from MS
I love the attitude of the main character. She thinks she is so grown up. I look forward to reading this story. Jan in Sunny west Texas
Am definitely adding this one to my TBR pile.
Kathy from Wendell, NC
I agree that life is easier when you learn to trust Him! When I worry, I'm miserable but when I think of Jesus on the cross and how he will take care of me, my worries go away and life is easier!! Love to read this book.
Beth from IA
Sharon, Sheila, Jan, Kathy and Beth, Thank you so much for coming by. Glad you enjoyed the interview and want to read HEARTS STOLEN! I want to apologize for not responding sooner, I was at the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers' Conference in St. Louis. I tried to respond but my phone wouldn't let me. I had trouble even calling out on it. Anyway I'm back home today, so let me know if you have anymore questions.
Lena, thank you so much for having me on your blog. We all missed you at ACFW this year! It was all good (well, not the food so much) but, the praise and worship was the best of all for me. :) Love and hugs and blessings!7255
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