Welcome back, Bonnie.
Tell us about your salvation experience.
When I was a child I believed in God and His goodness, but through
the years I rejected Christ each time I was given the opportunity to believe. I
trusted more in my own rebellious ways, my own power.
God had plans for me, and He loved me enough to drive me to
my knees. In a matter of months my father died, a dear friend died, I lost a
baby, and my husband walked away and filed for divorce. I was devastated and alone.
One night an old friend from my high school days came to
visit. She was excited to share her new-found faith in Jesus. I wasn’t
interested, but I watched the 700 Club
with her that evening. As she was leaving, she stopped and said, “I just want
you to know one thing—Jesus loves you.”
I needed to hear those words so badly. Most of my life I’d
felt unlovable and unloved. Inside, I grabbed for the lifeline she threw, but
outwardly I acted as if the words meant nothing. But what she said stayed with
me and I wondered if Jesus was the answer.
A week later, I turned on the 700 Club, and when Pat Robertson shared the gospel, I knew it was
true and that it was for me. I got on my knees right there in front of my
television and prayed. And God reached down and lifted me up. He showed me that
I was special, created by Him, and loved by Him. My life has never been the
Thanks for sharing
that. I know someone who reads this blog needs to hear it. You’re planning a
writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be
and why?
That’s a difficult question. There are so many fabulous
John Steinbeck – His writing is dark, but magical.
James Michener – I love his dedication to historical detail.
It has been said he went through his lengthy manuscripts 17 times before
considering them completed. His commitment to excellence is inspiring.
Billy Graham – I admire him deeply and trust him. He is the
real deal. When I listen to him speak and read his writings it’s as if I’m
hearing from God.
Bodie Thoene – She writes with devotion and passion for God.
Her faith is palpable. A conversation with her would be amazing.
Do you have a
speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.
I do more writing than speaking, but each time I get in
front of a group I feel privileged, and the energy from the audience uplifts
me. Looking into the eyes of listeners and knowing that we share the same heart
is a remarkable thing.
I love to teach those who love to write. It’s so much fun to
see students grasp new writing principles and realize they can create the book
or article they’ve been longing to write.
Small groups are my favorite. I thoroughly love the give and
take that happens in a small group, whether it’s a readers group or small
writing retreat. Getting together with people passionate about the written word
is exhilarating.
No matter whom I speak for or where I always feel I receive
more than I give. Now, that’s a great deal.
What is the most
embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
Any time I’m teaching I always over prepare, determined to
do a great job. Sometimes I get things wrong—grammar, a writing principle, or
historical detail. It always embarrasses me. But I’ve learned to be kind to
myself—no one knows everything. And I look at each error as something newly
And then there was the time I intended to go fishing but
ended up in the drink. I stepped into the boat, but before I could get my other
foot off the dock the boat slid away from me. I straddled the water, knowing
there was not going to be a good outcome. With my muscles and my jeans about to
tear, into the water I went. Someone gave me a hand up out of the water, then
with my sneakers squeaking and pants dripping, I walked up the dock, feeling
like a piece of wet seaweed and well aware of the giggling audience.
People are always
telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you,
too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
It happens a lot. I’m not one to squelch dreams. I ask them
what they want to write about and what they’ve been doing to create their book.
If they have questions I answer them and will often give information about how
to get connected with other writers and writing organizations, and I encourage
them to take the necessary steps to make their dream come true.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Where Eagles Soar is a true story about a Native American woman
who grew up in the Alaskan wilderness. She lived in the bush where she learned
the skills of hunting, trapping, and mushing dogs from her father who was a
brutal man.
The book is told in Lily’s voice, as if she were sitting
across from you and telling her story. It’s a tale of heartache, survival,
hatred, and forgiveness … and of a mother’s love and the Great White God who
saved her life and her heart.
Please give us the first page of the book.
My people were story tellers. My dad was a story teller. And
I’m a story teller too. But more than that, I am a truth teller. I know about
life and death, hope and desperation, riches and bankruptcy. A bankruptcy of
the soul, and the beauty of God and his truth—how it shines when it is held up
alongside the twisted, ugly lies of the Evil
Sometimes the way we begin our life has little to do with
where we end up or who we become along the way.
And sometimes it has everything to do with it.
There are people in this world who walk around all scarred
up inside—angry and never able to find their way. But for some, scars make them
stronger and show them a better way to live.
I’m one of those. And I want to tell you my story.
Most of my life I lived in a muddle of love and brutality,
raging inside. Mama was good and kind and her life was one of sacrifice. Daddy
didn’t know how to love. He only knew how to get what he wanted. And no one had
better ever get in his way, not even family.
Living with ruthlessness can turn a person sour, like milk
left out in the heat too long. That was me. I learned I could be better, only
it took a great God, a lot of years, and a miracle to show me the way.
I can’t wait to read it. How can readers find
you on the Internet?
My website address is http://www.bonnieleon.com.
And I can always be found on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/BonnieLeonAuthorThank you so much, Bonnie, for sharing some of your life, and your new book, with us.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Where Eagles Soar
Where Eagles Soar - Kindle
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.
The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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would/ love to win. Angela in KY
Love to win this book! Sounds so interesting!Shelia from Mississippi
Where Eagles Soar sounds absolutely fascinating and I would love to read this book. The cover and title are captivating! Thank you for the opportunity and the interview was great, Lena!
Melanie Backus, TX
What an interesting interview... would love to have a copy of your book...
dkstevens, SE NEBR
Thank you all for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Lily's story isn't like anything you've read before. She lived an incredible life.
I'm thrilled to share her story with others.
Have really enjoyed many of Bonnie Leon's books. Haven't read Where Eagles Soar yet. It sounds interesting. Liked reading about how she came to Christ. Karen R. kjrochon40(at)msn(dot)com
I need to say that Bonnie Leon is one of my favorite authors. I love her story lines and although the first book I read was a bit hard to keep track of all the people it allowed to expand the story into a few more books with a lot of twists and turns. Would love to put another book on the shelf with her name on it :)
I love Bonnie Leon's books!!! Read a couple of them and loved them!!
Thanks for the interview and chance to win! Danielle in Indiana!
Karen, how nice to hear from a fan of my books. I hope you'll get your hands on Where Eagles Soar. I think it's one of those stories that just have to be shared. :-)
Karen, how nice to hear from a fan of my books. I hope you'll get your hands on Where Eagles Soar. I think it's one of those stories that just have to be shared. :-)
Cheering here, Jen! Thank you for your encouraging words. And I hope you'll love Where Eagles Soar.
Woo Hoo, Sierra!
Good luck, Danielle.
And a BIG thank you to, Lena for hosting me today.
Where Eagles Soar needs to be read by everyone. Roberta Oregon City, Or
Thanks, Roberta. I agree.
Thank you for the fabulous first page.
Mary P
Would love to win. I love Bonnie's books.
I live in Indiana.
Cindy W.
Hi Bonnie, it is nice to meet you.You are a new author to me and I enjoyed your interview very much. Your book sounds wonderful and even if I don't win I will buying this book for sure. Thank you for sharing your story of faith. I believe at some point in our Christian journey we all go through a time of doubt. I found your story encouraging. There was one thing that stood out to me that you said and that was that you look at each error as something learned. I love that and I am going to apply that when I get discouraged when I make an error. Thank you for a chance to win. ~ Blessings and best wishes with your new book ~ I live in VA. lisastifler(at)yahoo(dot)com
I've been wanting to read one of Bonnie Leon's novels.
Dana in Michigan
I LOVE Bonnie's novels and would be blessed if I won those one! Thanks, Bonnie and Lena
I am happy to "meet" Bonnie Leon and would love to read WHERE EAGLES SOAR.
Britney Adams, TX
Enter me!!
Conway, SC.
Thank you, Mary.
A first page is so important. When readers are trying to make a decision about which book to buy they often read page one, so I'm thrilled to hear you like it.
Bless you.
So good to hear from you, Cindy. I always love to meet reading fans.
Have a blessed day.
Hi Lisa.
Thank you for writing. How nice to meet here on Lena's blog.
It's heartening to hear that you will read the book, whether or not you win. I truly believe this is a story that has the power to change lives. I pray it will bless you.
About the mistakes in my life - I've had lots of opportunities for learning. Hah!
I pray you have a spectacular day.
Dana, how great to hear that you've been wanting to read one of my books. This is the perfect opportunity.
Grace and peace to you.
You're welcome Marianne. And I'm so glad to hear you enjoy my books. That's always wonderful to hear.
Thank you for dropping in Britney. I hope you'll give my books a try.
Have a good day.
Woot! You are entered, Sharon.
I would enjoy reading your book on a Native American lady. It would be a great learning experience for me. We just took a road trip to many Native American sites in NM, CO and AZ and saw cliff dwellings, pit houses and such. Also been to AK but only saw totem poles there. Sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
This sounds amazing!! And Alaska is a setting that I like to learn about. Would love to read this. Phoenix, AZ
SM, Native American culture is so interesting. I suppose my keen interest is tied to my own Native Alaskan (Aleut) roots.
It sounds like your road trip was fabulous.
Mama Cat, I love Alaska - it's where my family came from.
I hope you'll read Where Eagles Soar - a truly unique story.
Mama Cat, I love Alaska - it's where my family came from.
I hope you'll read Where Eagles Soar - a truly unique story.
Wendell, NC
Book sounds great!
Thanks, Bonnie, for sharing your heart with us! It's good to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Your book sounds interesting; I love to read about God redeeming people. I would be thrilled to win your book!
Becky Hanchett
Gresham, Oregon
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