The series is "Without A Trace" and my book, Framed! is book 2 in the series.
Who came up with the idea for the series?
The brilliant editors at Steeple Hill came up with the overview, setting, and characters. They incorporated the continuing elements that is seen from book-to-book in the series. Then, we six authors began discussing,
brainstorming, and going back and forth until we'd each hashed out our individual plots.
I know that working on a series that weaves together takes a lot of work. How did your team schedule the work?
I was blessed to have five wonderful women and authors to work with for my first continuity series. We chatted a lot online, I talked on the phone with one of them for more hours than I probably should admit to (lol), and we sent each other our synopses and then final rough drafts. It was such a wonderful learning experience for me, and a honor to work with these esteemed ladies.
Did you find it hard or easy to work within the series framework?
That's a tough question. Some of the points were difficult, but the other authors and I discussed and brainstormed a LOT, and then if we needed to change something in the overview, we'd take it to the editor for approval and input. There is a LOT of teamwork that goes into these series--from all the authors and the entire team at Steeple Hill.
What other books have you had published?

When you aren't writing or spending time with your family, what is your favorite activity?
Sleeping? LOL Seriously, between church, family, and deadlines, add to that ACFW business as president last year, sleep is a BIG commodity around my house!
Where do you do most of your writing?
In my office, on my desktop. When I need a change, or the kids beg me to come out and play, I take my laptop and sit outside on my patio. The back of our house faces a wooded area with a creek running through it, so it's nice for a change of location.
What part of the country do you live it? And why do you like that part of the country?
The South--is there any other place? LOL I'm southern through-and-through, so I can't imagine putting down roots anyway north of the Mason-Dixon line.
Tell us about the featured book.
Framed! is a modern-day Romeo and Juliet story--Ava and Max were high-school sweethearts, torn apart by feuding families. Years later, they're back in Loomis, Louisiana where a rash of deaths have occurred, one of them being Ava's brother. When Max is implicated in the crime, Ava must decide to follow her heart and believe in his innocence, or let the evidence dictate what she believes.
How can my readers find you on the Internet?
Easy.... http://www.robincaroll.com/
Thanks for hosting us, Lena! It's always so much fun to visit you and your
And I love having you, Robin.
Readers, you can order Framed! using this link:
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Be sure to check back so see if you are the winner. I have a list of winners who have not contacted me.
I have read the first book in this series and loved it. Thanks for a fine interview. Please add my name to your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
I love the LS mystery books. I'd love to win this book Please include me in the drawing
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Sounds like a fun read.
Having lived in Louisiana,
I'm interested in how you developed the setting.
Sign me up to win a free copy.
A J Hawke
Cindi, wasn't Margaret's book wonderful? I loved WHAT SARAH SAW. She's a master at setting the stage for all the action to come.
Abi, this was my first experience in participating in one of the LIS continuities. I was very blessed to have such wonderful authors to work with. I learned a lot and it was an amazing experience.
AJ--I'm from Louisiana, which was most helpful in writing my bayou series! :D For WITHOUT A TRACE series, the editors gave us the basic setting, and then we authors got together and went from there. Once we figured out where our fictional town set on the map, and which parish it was located in, we began filling in the town setting. Margaret made us a "town map" that we all used to keep the continuing scenes consistent. It was a lot of fun "borrowing" each others' characters and keeping their quirks and speech patterns true to character.
The whole experience really stretched me as a writer, and I had a lot of fun.
Lena, thanks so much for hosting me. It's always fun to visit your blog!
The Without a Trace series sounds like quite an interesting project. I love books that continue a theme or setting. I would love a chance to win Framed and meet your Romeo and Juliet. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing :)
This sounds like a real good book. I would love to win this. Thank you for the entry.
Romeo and Juliet mixed in with deaths...sounds like a winner to me! Please include me in the drawing.
I love series and this will be a new author for me. I also enjoyed your nice chat with Robin!
Thanks so much,
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I just read Bayou Justice and I lovced it! I will be looking for the first book in the series, but I would still really love the chance to win Framed! It sounds awesome! It is nice to read how several authors collaborate on a series like this! Thank you for the interview.
I'd love to read a Love inspired Mystery!
please enter me!
Please enter me for this book.
enter me in the drawing.
Thank you.
I love to read and would like to win a book, that would be so nice,
Sounds like a great book with lots of twists and turns in it. Please enter me to win!
I love short mysteries! martha(at)lclink(dot)com
Nice interview. I've always wondered how those kinds of series worked! It sounds like a fun experience. Thanks for the oppurtunity for a free book.
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