Since I live in West Michigan, and they always say you should write what you know, the setting for this series came easily. I love the late 1800s, early 1900s, perhaps because my grandparents were born in that era. As for storyline, I always have about a dozen or so stories churning up in my head, so I just snatch one down and start building scenarios in my mind and on paper. Once I think I’ve constructed a workable plot, I develop character sketches, gather information through research, and start putting down my thoughts. (I’m not one to drag out the planning stages. I get antsy to start writing, so as I do, the story just sort of “comes to me.”) Before you know it, I’m off and running – and then there’s no stopping me!
If you were planning a party with Christian authors of contemporary fiction, what six people would you invite and why?
That’s a tough question because there are so many wonderfully talented authors out there. But I suppose I would have to go for the “fun” aspect, ladies I know who like to party-hearty, and by that I mean – GIGGLE and GOOF OFF! Therefore, at my “party” I would have Michelle Sutton-Hutchinson, Trish Perry, Brandilyn Collins, Ane Mulligan, Lena Nelson Dooley, and—and—and (I can only have one more?)—and Deb Raney. Whew! That was painful.
I'd love to attend a party with that group. Wouldn't we have fun? Now let’s do that for a party for Christian authors of historical fiction, what six people would you invite and why?
Okay, this will be a more “serious” party because we need to get some brainstorming done, especially since my mindset is in the historical fiction genre right now, I’m up against a deadline, and I’m in a solemn mood. Seriously! So, here’s my guest list: Julie Lessman (Oops! There goes the formal atmosphere!), Kim Vogel Sawyer, Francine Rivers, Cathy Marie Hake, Deeanne Gist, Lyn Cote. These authors are all so talented and I respect them so much. I’m sure I will glean something helpful from each of them at these “parties.” Oooh, this makes me excited for the next ACFW conference because those are sort of like parties, but with lots of learning opportunities.

Deadlines! Gone are the days of writing for the pure, simple pleasure of writing. Oh, I still truly love it beyond measure, but there is now the added ingredient of pressure to accomplish goals and the stress that goes with it. Writing novels is a full-time job, and one that requires MUCH self-discipline, something I sorely lack. The more books you publish, the more your fan base wants you to produce, not to mention your publisher! I keep hearing from readers, and the number one thing they ask is, “Can’t you write any faster?” I know they’re only jesting, but there’s that part of them that honestly means business! Ha!
Sharlene, tell us about the featured book.
1903 ~ Sandy Shores, Michigan
The eldest of Jacob Kane’s three daughters, Hannah Grace is feisty and strong-willed, yet practical. Between working at her father’s general store and courting the town’s physician, Ralston Van Huff, Hannah has her life planned out in an orderly, meaningful way. Or, so the thinks.
Hannah’s world turns upside down when the new sheriff comes to town. Gabriel Devlin is strong, outspoken, and a Christian to boot—but he’s sworn off women, having met ones mostly interested in the Devlin family fortune and apathetic about God.
Determined to ignore the newcomer’s handsome looks, Hannah is drawn to him nonetheless by a runaway orphan boy named Jesse. While Hannah works to befriend the shy vagabond, who’s living with Gabriel until other arrangements can be made, God works in her heart. What plans does He have in store for this young woman who thought she had it all together?
Readers, this is just a hint at all this book contains. Sharlene, how can readers find you on the Internet?
Oh, I do so love visitors to my Web sites, and I will always write back—unless time constraints simply don’t allow it. You can find me at these places:
*I am also on Facebook, so once you go to FB, simply type Sharlene MacLaren into the search line and request me as a friend. I’ll gladly accept.
I know. I have both a regular Profile and a Fan Page on Facebook, and I, too, welcome people both places.
Sharlene, thank you for this time with us. Go out and get some chocolate. :-)
Readers, you can order Hannah Grace by clicking this link:
And leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of Hannah Grace. Don't forget to check back a week from Saturday to see if you are the winner. If you're not, click on the link and get one. You won't want to miss it.
I have always loved reading historical novels and would to be entered in for this book.
I love historical fiction, and your right the cover looks wonderful...and I am certainly someone who judges a book by its cover.
Can a non writer get in on those parties? :) Oh to be a fly on the wall. Loved the interview. Love Shar. Please do not enter me for the giveaway though. I already have this book coming, and I can tell you that I am stoked! :) She is a true love.
Kelly :)
Hello, all! Jo, Mrs. Cupcake, and darling Kalea (Kelly), thanks for stopping by Lena's blog. it's so fun to watch these interviews post and then read the comments that come in.
Wishing everyone a glorious, joy-filled week!
Lord bless you!
Hi, I enjoyed your interview with Sharlene. I agree with her that the late 1800's and early 1900"s are very interesting to me, also! Please enter me in your delightful historical book drawing. Many thanks,
I would love to read this book, as historica fiction is my favorite genre.
Please enter me in the contest.
Thank you,
Becky C.
I'd love to win this book!
I've enjoyed the ones i've read from this author!
Sounds like a great book!
I love all genres of books but historical books are my favorite.
I'd love to win Sharlene's book...she is a new-to-me author and I know I'd love her books.
Thank you!
Please enter me in the drawing for this book - I love reading historical novels and when romance is thrown in makes 'em better!~
Wonderful interview! I can't wait to get my hands on this book. (and the following ones, hehehe). Please enter me in the drawing. As I told Shar, I'm addicted to her writing. :)
I would love a chance to win Hannah Grace. Great interview!
Please enter me in the drawing for this book-I enjoyed the interview and would love to read the book
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I loved, loved Sharlenes book Courting Emma. It was a refreshing read with lots of spiritual depth. Enter me in the contest. spowell01(at)bellsouth(dot)net
My, but you ladies love to read - OR you love the chance to win a free book! And who can blame you? I wish you all the best, and may the Lord grant you a most fabulous 2009!
Big Cozy Hugs from CHILLY Michigan!!!
Sounds like a wonderful story. I really enjoyed the interview as well.
Thank you for sharing this. Please count me in :)
I would love to go to those parties!! Although for the historical one I would think you have to have Tricia Goyer there too!
I think we love to read and love to win books! i have enjoyed your other books as well and look forward to reading this one when I can get it!
sounds great - I'd love to read it
Oh, parties are always fun, can reader of the authors come? I love to party. I'd also love to win this book. I was born and raised in SW Michigan. This sounds like a wonderful book.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
You can all come to these "parties". The more the merrier! And, Martha, you are right. Tricia Goyer should be there. Can you imagine her contributions? I loved her "From Dust to Ashes".
PS Thanks so much, everyone, for stopping by. I think there's still time for leaving comments!
tihs looks great!! thanks!
nice read thank you
fantastic interview. I love historical books. I cant wait to read the book win it or not :)
I haven't read anything but this author, seen her name a lot, but haven't actually picked up any of her books.
Would love chance to win!
ldneuhof at hotmail dot com
Historical fiction is a big favorite of mine. I've never read a book by this author, but I would certainly love to! Please sign me up!
orca0024 at yahoo dot com
Historical fiction novels are my way of learning about history while being entertained by a good story.
Thanks for the interview and a chance to win the book.
danelli04 [at]hotmail [dot]com
I would love to read this! Thanks so much!
Thanks so much for the interview and the chance to win a copy of Hannah Grace!
angelahipp at charter dot net
thanks for the interview. Dont enter me I have read this book and loved it. cant wait for more in the series. Historical is my favourite genre.
This book sounds exciting and a wonderful read. I would love it. Wish I could be in Denver, but alas.
Please enter me for your drawing thanks
This book looks really good.
The "party" question was cute. Good picks, too!
I would love to read Hannah Grace. Best wishes on your writing career, Sharlene.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
I love books in a series and I could use a new series ...this one sounds great!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I'd like to be entered
I love historical novels, so count me in!
i've read books by this author and loved them, please enter my name, thanks,
sarahwoll at hotmail dot com
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