I first thought about writing in 1993. A friend from church, Cindy Martinusen told me about her aspirations to become a novelist. My first thought was . . . Real people do that? She invited me to attend Mount Hermon Christian Writer’s Conference with her. I was new as new can be. I was also 22-years-old and pregnant with my first child, but I learned enough at that conference to start off on the right track. And I’ve been actively working at my writing ever since.
If you weren’t an author, what would be your dream job?
I’d be an artist. I have a natural talent for drawing/painting but I haven’t developed it!
If you could have lived at another time in history, what would it be and why?
I’d be a WASP (Women Air Service Pilot) in World War II like I wrote about in Dawn of a Thousand Nights. Those women were amazing!
What place in the United States have you not visited that you would like to?
I’d like to go on a boat ride through a Louisiana swap. Crazy, I know!
Actually, it sounds like fun, especially if Robin Caroll would take us. How about a foreign country you hope to visit?
Hungry. I read a book set in Budapest and I’ve wanted to go ever since.
What lesson has the Lord taught you recently?
To be thankful in ALL things. It’s amazing how my attitude changes when I start thanking God IN and THROUGH the tough stuff.
Tell us about the featured book.

Home To Heather Creek I thought you would be interested in the new Guideposts original series, Home to Heather Creek! I wrote Book #2, Sweet September!
About the series: Charlotte Stevenson’s world is turned upside down when her daughter, Denise, dies in a tragic car accident. She ran away at eighteen and Charlotte has never forgiven herself. Now, Denise’s children, abandoned by their father, are coming from California to live on Heather Creek Farm in Bedford, Nebraska.
Harvest time at Heather Creek Farm is an exciting time, but the kids don’t seem to be getting into the spirit. One day while he’s wandering through the fields, Christopher stumbles across an old piece of metal buried in the ground. He doesn’t know what it is, but he hides it in the shed.That night, the garden by the house is uprooted.
Who could have done such a thing? Charlotte is determined to find out, but is distracted when she gets news that Sam is failing school. The sullen teen is indifferent and won’t study. He starts spending a lot of time with Pete. Though she loves her son dearly, Pete never finished high school, and Charlotte is afraid he’ll encourage Sam to do the same. How can she help him get back on track?
A gripping story that examines the Stevenson family’s history as well as its shaky future, Sweet September will bring you deeper into the loving community of Bedford and the deep ties of love that bind this broken family together. As they forge new connections, you’ll be entertained, inspired, and reminded that God’s grace can make all things new. Buy the book here.
This book was a lot of fun for me. A departure from the rigorous historical research and a chance to try my hand at something contemporary.
Tricia, thank you for coming by.
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The book sounds very interesting and I would love to win a copy.
Oh and she does a whole lot more than just write.....she is an amazing woman and writer and does so many things, it makes my head spin sometimes....I would love to win this book....
This sounds like a great book.
Please enter me in the contest!
Thank you,
Becky C.
I'd love to be entered in your giveaway...the book looks wonderful. Thank you! I really enjoyed the interview.
I've loved the tricia goyer books i've read!
please count me in for this one!
I think I would enjoy this book so please enter me in the giveaway.
Thank you.
Hey, let's all go on an airboat ride in Louisiana swamps. It IS fun! :D
Takes place in Nebraska- I gotta read it!
angelahipp at charter dot net
this looks great! thanks!
This book sounds great! I would love to win a copy!
Please count me in!
Thanks for the interview!
msproule1225 at gmaildotcom
I enjoy Tricia's books and appreciated the interview. The cover is so enticing! Thank you for the giveaway.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Thanks for the interview and the giveaway :)
Tricia is an amazing person! I think her WWII books are so interesting. I would love to read this style of her writing. Many thanks, Cindi
I would love to win!
Looks like another good book. I so love to read. Thank you for the entry.
wow, this sounds like a great book. I would love a chance to win.
thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
I would love a little getaway of the mind to Bedford. :) Please enter me.
Thank you so much!
Thank you, Lena, for hosting me! What awesome friends you have here. Thanks for the support!
This book sounds very interesting! Please enter me to win a copy! Thanks!
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